How to Keep Health With Drink Water

How to Keep Health With Drink Water

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Natural Health With Drink Water

Water is important, also in my body need mineral water to keep and balance temperature environment.
Many people who do not know the property in addition to water to eliminate any opposition. Water can cure various diseases with a simple and cheap. following 5 benefits of white water that may be we can make reference consume beverages while outside of the white water.

1. Facilitate the digestive system
Consume adequate amounts of water each day will facilitate the digestive system so that we digestive problems such as ulcer or constipation. Burning calories will also run efficiently.

2. White water Helps slow the growth of substance-substance causes cancer, plus prevent kidney stone disease and heart. Drinking water will make the body more power.

3. Beauty Care
When drinking water is less , the body will absorb the water in the skin of the womb so that the skin becomes dry and wrinkled. In addition, the water can protect the skin from the outside, as well as healthful and damp skin. To maintain the beauty is, no body hygiene should really be, added more water to drink 8 - 10 glasses a day.

4. For fertility
Increasing production in the male hormone testosteron and estrogen hormones in women.
According to research , if someone is always bathed with cold water and smooth the blood circulation and the body feels more fresh and in shape. Bath with cold water will increase the production of white blood cell in the body and increase the ability of someone to attack the virus.

In fact, a bath with cold water in the morning can increase the production of male hormone testosteron on the hormone estrogen and the female. With the fertility and sexual rapture will be increased. In addition, the network improved skin, nails more healthy and strong, not easily cracked.

5. Healthful Heart
Water is also believed to participate can cure heart disease, rheumatism, skin damage, disease channel papas, bowel, disease, and femininity. Even at this time quite a lot of treatment efficacy altenatif utilizing the water.

Pesticide is the Real Human Enemy

Basicly our body need nutrition that free contamination poison, pesticide is real poison in our healt. why pesticide entrance in our body and influence our healt , find it in this below:

Say War With Pesticide..!!!

Pesticide is one of cemistry product, many farmer use this product for kill the insect, because insect is plant enemy, every season of plant, farmers get trouble about it, and the solution of this farmer must be kill the insect with pesticide,
nature of chemical pesticides used on a continual basis can harm living beings themselves, including pesticides will not be able to unravel for several years, there is even one type of pesticide that can not unravel forever.plants with pesticide spray in the womb pesticide chemical substances entering in the process of photo sistesis and sediment in the plant. while the agricultural crops that have been contaminaton with pesticide consumption by our bodies and that happens continuously, in a certain age womb pesticides accumulate in the body and will cause various diseases. for the same let us fight with the pesticide.
Continue information:
Herb for Plant No link Yet
No perticides plant no link yet
Herb for Healt No link yet

Herbs Ginseng

Main Function: Lower Diabetes
General Dose: 1-3 grams a day
known for its ability to stimulate the body's immune system,
ginseng has some positive results regarding diabetes.
The reseachers found that ginseng slows carbohydrate absorption, increase in the
ability of cells to absorb glucose, and increase insulin release
from the pancreas. Also found in toronto universities, that ginseng is
able to decrease the sugar for about 15 - 20 percent.

harmless natural supplements you have tried, but it's good to
consult your doctor before consumtion it. if no change after one or two weeks,
stop-and do not dispose of more interest your money. good luck.

Actived Keeping Eat for Health

Our activity everyday that one is eating, what our eat?, it can be influenced our body, most the people isn't reliase that food, or our food is very important, here i show you about how the most inportant our's food.

1.According to Prof. Randolf Nesse,
our human body is not designed to the modern century. As leaders Darwinisme medicine, he was firm on the establishment and that the pattern fashion modern life that makes more people sick, than the type of disease (new) appear.

2.The modern Hospital people who become
victims due to inbalance between the human body with the environment, the physical condition is no longer such as a grandmother first.
One of them, a matter of diet. Indeed, the human body is designed to run foot of 20 miles a day for eating and drinking.
Diet quoted from the nature of the permissive fibrous, low fat, and very little salt.

3.Eating Habits, such as that remaining in the period
modern, can be found in the Eskimo people, tribe Dayak, Aboriginal and tribes in the hinterland of others.
They are not fat, not high blood fell ill, does not have any pain cancer or heart of the modern.
Travel human evolution that causes most people difficult to comply with health advice. Body is also easy adapting to the fact that not healthy, such as smoking, the fatty, and less movement.
That the illness, which was not appears, even now appear to the surface.
Human increasingly so each time through a loser against the disease.
Poor menu fibrous, a lot of fat and meat, not smooth constipate that many people into the causes of modern why colon cancer is increasing in guy modern.
for more information about food baromater click here Special EUROBAROMETER
Tobe continue....




2.V3 manual

5 Plants Magic for Diabetes

You people with Diabetes?If your blood sugar problems, no one try 10 of the following to help lower blood sugar, improve insulin sensitivity, lower blood pressure and high cholesterol, and some other benefits.

1. Gymnema Sylvestre
Main functions: Lower blood sugar
General dose: 200 - 250 milligram per day. Gymnema SylvestreNama Hindi this means that the plants' sugar crusher, 'and the plant is said to have the ability to decrease the ability to detect sweet taste. This plant is considered as the most powerful plants to control blood sugar.
Most likely, the way it works is by increasing the enzyme activity that helps the body cells to use glucose or stimulate insulin production. Although there is no research-intensive, but have not found any serious side effects to the use of this plant.

2. Pare
Main functions: Lower blood sugar
General dose: 50 - 100 mililiter (3-6 tbsp) of juice a day.
Pare the bitter considered able to help cells use glucose more effectively muffled and sugar absorption in the intestine. The researchers in the Philippines to examine the consumption pare men and women in the form of a capsule for 3 months to find a decrease in blood sugar, even a little, but constant. The problems that arise are digestive problems, but it's not clear what.

3. Magnesium
Fungsi utama: Menurunkan gula darah Main functions: Lower blood sugar
Dosis umum: 250 - 350 miligram per hari General dose: 250 - 350 milligram per day
Kekurangan magnesium tidak jarang ditemui sebagai salah satu penyebab diabetes, bahkan gejala ini memperburuk kondisi gula darah dan resistansi insulin. Lack of magnesium is not rarely found as one of the causes of diabetes, even aggravate symptoms of this condition the blood sugar and insulin resistansi. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suplemen magnesium dapat memperbaiki fungsi insulin dan menurunkan gula darah. Some research indicates that magnesium supplements can improve insulin function and lower blood sugar. Coba konsultasikan dengan dokter Anda sebelum mengkonsumsi insulin. Try to consult with your doctor before consuming insulin.

4. Cactus Prickly pear (cactus fruit meat)
Main functions: Lower blood sugar
Dose general: if consumed as food, 150 grams per day stew cactus.

Mature fruit of this cactus is able to lower blood sugar in the body. Form which can be found is in the form of fruit, or juice, or powder. The researchers found that the fruit is lower blood sugar due to a component that is similar to insulin. Fruit is also a high fiber content.

5. Gamma-Linolenic Acid (Acid Linoleat Gamma)
Main functions: Reduce neuropathy
General dose: 270 - 540 milligrams once a day
Linoleat Gamma acid, or GLA is a fatty acid found in evening primrose oil interest. Some research shows that people with diabetes is that people have a low level of GLA in the blood, and research shows that this supplement can reduce, even prevent the nerve pain in diabetes is due to appear


Step by step How to keep health by drink water